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10 Websites Physio Business Owners Should Know About

The physio world is going digital and there are changes happening left right and centre. Some of these changes are making life easier, others are creating complexity where life used to be simple. As new ideas and websites are created we'll let you know which are the best and most useful to your business. Here are some of our favourites.
Social Media Post Creation
If you've been wondering how to create professional looking images for your social media accounts (like some of those seen in this email), you need to check out Canva. This web program lets you create awesome signs, posts and blog headings for free if you use your own images and text.
The best part about Canva is how easy it is to use. Have a look, I promise you'll love it!
Warning: Using this site can become a little bit addictive and will increase your social media presence dramatically.
Content providers.
Most of us agree that the most ethical type of marketing in health care is patient education, which is all well and good until you have to sit down and write! There are a few services that take the pain out of creating content for your blog and newsletter. It's important that you can trust the content you distribute as your own is well researched and written by someone how understands how physiotherapy clinics operate.
Physio News offer an introductory package for only $50 that will get you started with three months worth of content for a newsletter, blog and social media posts.
Online learning communities.
These are springing up everywhere. If you don't have time to create a PD program for any new grads in your clinic you can now outsource it. Here are a few sites that have great online learning communities and resources for those just starting out in the physio world.
Australian based with a broad range of educational videos and content.
Based in NZ, rolling out to Australia over the next year.
Supported by the WCPT, developed for the rehab professional
This one is probably a little difficult to get your head around. Do you really need to change your website domain from .com to .physio? It helps to think of web space as digital property, as demand rises, value also increases. We are in the early days of this property roll out and the greatest selling point, in my opinion, is that there are very strict rules on who is able to apply for a .physio domain. Only people who can prove their affiliation to physiotherapy are accepted which lends credibility to the concept.
Having your clinic's website domain end with .physio will also help with search engine rankings as search engines will consider these websites to be more authentic than those ending with .com etc. It's a new concept, but one worth considering, especially in these early days when many domains are still available at low prices.
Marketing Blogs and Communities.
There actually aren't as many of these around as you might think, here are a few I like to follow and find entertaining. Keep posted for a more comprehensive list to follow in a few weeks.
This is a down to earth blog written with frequent reference to the nuts and bolts of running a clinic of any size. The recently released book is not a bad read either.
A really well-written blog with great ideas. Based in the US, much of the advice is for dealing with insurance companies, however there are many relevant points for those working outside of the USA.
Co-creators of the APA social media guide.
These guys offer advice and seminars on running your social media account.
Also, note their use of a .physio domain!
Tristan has created a huge company and has some great insights on how to create a happy and productive workplace.
Let us know any sites and services that you have found useful running your business.
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